Like any programming language, the hard part won't be learning the 'll be putting the instructions together in a logical fashion so that the end result is what you need. I would probably simply do this in straight ladder. I also don't believe the AD processors do stage programming. In this respect the AB stuff is superior and will lead to a lot less headaches. You'll get an answer, it just won't make much sense. The s/w will allow you to use part of a REAL as a HEX number. Like some of the bigger platforms (Siemens/GE) AD doesn't do automatic type changing.ie you'll need to remember what addresses are BCD, Binary, Double Int, or Real. two.AD programming is easy but not if you've used AB. Would stage programming be necessary? -Jayį sounds like a fairly straightforward application.

What I'm wondering, is just how advanced the programming will get for something like this? I've read a lot about what PLCs can do and it seems to me that this does not maximize on their capabilities. The machine I'm sort of trying to design off of has about 5 inputs and 17 outputs and uses a touch screen to get user information such as how long the heat station actuates for, setting the temperature for the heat station, and the count for how many times the machine will cycle. Any help or comments would be greatly appreciated. I was hoping someone might be able to take a look at what I have done so far and let me know if I'm at least heading in the right direction.

I've written up a small program that basically does what I assume will take care of the first two stations of the machine (the heat station and form die/air which is what will form the plastic), however I'm not really sure if what I did is correct programming structure. I'm practicing with the DL05 using 2 switches, 2 push buttons, and 4 lights for the output. I've had a few courses and done some of my own computer programming so I know I'm pretty capable of grasping the concepts of programming. I've only been aware of PLCs for about a year so consider me a newbie to the PLC world.

The machine it will be used on is a type of thermo former, also known as a "blow form" thermo former. Hi everyone, I'm currently trying to learn programming for the DL05 using DirectSOFT5 and potentially the DL06 sometime in the future.